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Number of beneficiary receiving support through the
established Health Special Needs Fund

Through MSYD Physical Rehabilitation Service, the physical rehabilitation assessment are taking place for all the cases , and evaluated by the functional independence scale in order to monitor the improvement. Based on the performed assessment, the comprehensive action plan for the cases is designed which contained, home program exercise, education for the beneficiaries and their caregivers, functional exercises, internal and external referral has been given. Online physical rehabilitation modalities also improved in order to offer the treatment to beneficiaries during the pandemic outbreak. Those beneficiaries benefitted from MSYD Physical Rehabilitation Services at least four sessions and totally 4046 beneficiaries reached who benefit from MSYD Physical Rehabilitation services.

Through MSYD Physical Rehabilitation Service, the physical rehabilitation assessment are taking place for all the cases , and evaluated by the functional independence scale in order to monitor the improvement. Based on the performed assessment, the comprehensive action plan for the cases is designed which contained, home program exercise, education for the beneficiaries and their caregivers, functional exercises, internal and external referral has been given. Online physical rehabilitation modalities also improved in order to offer the treatment to beneficiaries during the pandemic outbreak. Those beneficiaries benefitted from MSYD Physical Rehabilitation Services at least four sessions and totally 4046 beneficiaries reached who benefit from MSYD Physical Rehabilitation services.


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